the Uncanny Worlds of
cover art and magical cats
Jack finally learned his lesson and commissioned a professional to redesign the cover art for his books. Larch Gallagher lives in medieval Ely, Cambridgeshire – described as “one of England’s spookiest cities” – with her magical cat that morphs in the winter cold. Larch first worked on Shadows and Pagodas and we were really pleased. Larch has a real talent for this sort of thing and the improved cover art succesfully conveys the Baron's gothic adventure as a Grail quest cloaked in conspiracy. Note the Templar Cross and the ghostly Siamese temple to the right.
Larch has also reworked the cover art for Man in a Zen Anbulance and a draft for Dial B for Bangkok (the old Zen City, Iso story). Also working on a distinctive Jack Fielding ‘look’ which is a bit tricky because he pens stories across different genres. But we're making progress.
Jack claims he discovered Larch after a curious encounter. He found a cat seemingly waiting for him on the corner of a cobbled, crooked street where she him led to an occult shop not unlike the one Isabella finds in Shadows and Pagodas. Larch was inside perusing the dusty shelves.
Magical Cat Boat Melody Seal
Cover art version two by the author with an abstract-montage look and grand, imperial-style font
The latest incarnation of the Baron's first adventure
Orginal cover art by the talented Mike B